BASIC SCAFFOLDING TRAINING 22 - 23 January 20132013-06-10 07:51:41
Continuing the former course, PT Apexindo Pratama Duta for once again use the Safetech Indonesia service to held Scaffolding Basic training. The training was held in Swiss Belin Hotel with 29 participants on January 22 to 23, 2013. PT Safetech Indonesia presents Mr. Sutomo, ST as a highly qualified trainer who has many years of experience.
This course is designed to give participants the knowledge and skills to safely and efficiently perform basic scaffolding. The topics covered in our Basic Scaffolding course include scaffold fabrication, Independent, Overhead, Hoist Cantilever, and safety requirements, such as the hazard in the field, edge protection, roping, and gin wheel..
The course fully meets the standards, i.e. BSS 1139 Section 1.1 & 1.2, CSAO - American Standard, OSHA - American Standard. Holders of basic scaffolding certificates may work in the building and maintenance industry or construction sites. Scaffolding Basic can lead to further skilled training for qualifications in Scaffolding Intermediate.